Be swept away in style in an elegantly appointed luxury Quinceanera limousine.

A Quinceanera is a celebration of a girls fifteenth birthday. It is a special occasion because it is when a girl becomes a woman. Hispanic girls all over the world celebrate this occasion. The difference between a Quinceanera and any other birthday party is that it is fancier and you invite more people. The first thing you do is go to church the day of your Quinceanera. You invite your closest relatives like aunts, uncles, parents, godparents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, cousin, and close friends. The priest talks to you about becoming a woman. Once the spiritual ceremony is over you move on to the social part of the Quinceanera. At this time your many invited guests come to celebrate your becoming a woman. This is where you celebrate by having a band play live music and dance all night.